Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Music Room

William Fiennes' book The Music Room published yesterday. William grew up at Broughton Castle and this memoir is largely set at Broughton Castle.

It will be on sale in the shop here on open days as well, of course, at any good bookshop, Amazon etc.

Some of the great reviews:
John Burnside in The Guardian

Nicholas Shakespeare in The Daily Telegraph

Virginia Ironside in The Independent

Spring repairs

Two renovation projects for the winter / spring. The first is complete - a new section of wall to protect the inside bank of the moat. The second is new roof tiles on the west end of the house. This is underway now and should be finished in May. The tiles are a pale Cotswold stone. I asked whether we were going to put the yoghurt / cow manure mix used on the church spire stone to encourage lichen growth and to make the tiles as quickly as possible blend with the older ones. However we can't do that up here - apparently the magic mixture would lead to an acidic run-off from the tiles onto the lead roof with possible corrosive damage resulting. So, we'll have to be patient and will soon have a glaring new west roof, for a good five years or so until it mellows and weathers.

Here are the tiles, sitting down by the battlements, biggest on the left (which go at the bottom), smallest on the right (for the top). Patiently waiting their turn to do a couple of hundred years of sentry duty. They reminded me of Anthony Gormley's Field (see here)